Upgrade from substance 0 to 1

Upgrading from substance 0 to 1 requires moving your dependencies from Python 2 to Python 3 and VirtualBox 6.0.

Upgrading on macOS

  1. Stop all your engines:

    $ substance engine ls
    $ substance engine halt <ENGINENAME> # Do this for every running engine
  2. Uninstall substance:

    $ sudo pip uninstall substance
  3. Upgrade VirtualBox to 6.x:

    - Visit https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
    - Install the package on your computer.
    - Your existing machines and engines should remain intact.
  4. Upgrade Python to Python 3:

    $ brew uninstall python
    $ brew uninstall python@2
    $ brew install python
  5. Install substance:

    $ sudo pip3 install substance
  6. Upgrade your engine by either creating a new engine.

Upgrading on Windows

  1. Stop all your engines:

    $ substance engine ls
    $ substance engine halt <ENGINENAME> # Do this for every running engine
  2. Uninstall substance via cygwin:

    $ sudo pip uninstall substance
  3. Upgrade VirtualBox to 6.x:

    - Visit https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
    - Install the package on your computer.
    - Your existing machines and engines should remain intact.
  4. Upgrade Python to Python 3:

  • Run the Cygwin setup (setup-x86_64.exe)
  • Remove python, python-devel and python-pip
  • Add python3, python3-devel, python3-pip
  1. Install substance using the Cygwin terminal:

    $ sudo pip3 install substance

Upgrading on Linux

  1. Update your system.:

    # Debian/Ubuntu
    $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
    # Arch
    $ sudo pacman -Syu
  2. Reboot:

    - needed in case the virtualbox kernel modules were updated.
  3. Stop all your engines:

    $ substance engine ls
    $ substance engine halt <ENGINENAME> # Do this for every running engine
  4. Install python3:

    # Debian/Ubuntu
    $ sudo apt-get install -y python3.7 python3-pip
    # Arch
    $ sudo pacman -S python python-pip
  5. Update substance:

    $ sudo pip3 install substance
  6. You will need to create a new engine so that it can use the newest docker image and virtualbox version:

    $ substance engine create <ENGINENAME>

Post-Install steps

  1. After upgrading to substance 1.x, you should take a moment to update your jinja templates to use Python 3 syntax.

    # example:
    # dockwrkr.yml.jinja
      {%- for k, v in SUBENV_VARS.iteritems() %}
    # becomes
      {%- for k, v in SUBENV_VARS.items() %}

Known issues

  1. If you get a CryptographyDeprecationWarning when running substance commands, it’s because of this issue. As noted, a workaround is running sudo pip install cryptography==2.4.2 until the problem is fixed in paramiko.